Getting back on the fitness track

You never really know the measure that you have on someone’s life, or the impact you will have, until you actually put yourself out there.

For those of us that are so social, it’s sometimes easy for conversations to stay on the surface, superficial items, and tough for us to reveal what’s really going on deep inside, especially if it is less than positive.

So a couple months ago when I shared some of the struggles I was having, and how I was hit by “the Blerch” I could not have anticipated the feedback that I would receive!

I received so many private texts, emails, and private messages, as well as in-person approaches by people who had read what I had to say, and told me how they could relate to it in one way or another.

It’s OK to be vulnerable, I learned. There is a hive out there that really has my back.

My schedule has been just bonkers for the past few months, but I thought I was time to follow up.

As a follow-up to my post where I was expressing how I have been feeling tired, gaining weight, and just not having any enthusiasm for doing anything, I now know part of the reason why.

I got the results of my blood test back and there was one thing medically happening with me. It turns out that I’m low in iron. I asked my doctor if that could be contributing to what is going on with me, and he said “absolutely”.

So of course I immediately consulted with Dr. Google and it turns out that low iron in women is a common thing, and also the symptoms that follow were like a checklist of my issues!

So they good news is that now I know what is happening. The bad news: the damage is done. I have gained so much weight since last summer and I am feeling really out of shape.

I have been taking iron pills, and now I just am starting to feel like I have some energy. So it is going to be a slow and steady way back, and I will need to be mindful as I work on my fitness so I can get back in shape.

A big takeaway is that everybody’s walking their own path and I always need to remind myself that I need to walk mine at my own pace, and be patient with myself. So now I’m trying to get my spirit back, and get back to health. That’s going to be my focus for the rest of the summer.

I sometimes get stuck in comparing myself to others and feeling like I’m missing out on things. But even the common dandelion doesn’t think about what’s going on around it; it just blooms where it is planted. I’m reminding myself to not compare, not worry about the rest, and trust myself to go at my own pace in my own way.

#gogetit #justbloom